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Allison Nagel, Communications Manager


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Sustainable Solano in the News!

Find the latest articles on Sustainable Solano here.

Food Forests Green Solano

Figs, oranges, chickens, and flood mitigation all in your suburban front yard?

The group Sustainable Solano is promoting the idea of “food forest gardens” to pump up local food and climate resilience efforts. This spring, they hosted open gardens that they helped plan and plant, offering visitors a chance to find out just what a food forest is: a garden layered like a natural forest that includes fruit-bearing trees and edible plants. One more garden tour is planned for June 3.

[Read the story here]

Press Releases

Here’s our latest news. Find our archive of press releases here.

Goodbye Grass

Goodbye Grass

Tereasa Christopherson-Tso is working with Arts Benicia on an exhibit focused on water conservation. Tereasa reached out to SuSol and visited one of our demonstration food forests, where she beautifully captured the garden. She has given us permission to share her painting and artist statement, which we feel encapsulates why these gardens are so important.

Sustainable Landscaping, Lawn Removal on Water-Efficient Rebate Budget

Sustainable Landscaping, Lawn Removal on Water-Efficient Rebate Budget

Thanks to everyone who came to our class with Alana Mirror about how she transformed her lawn into an edible and native landscape, all within the budget of the Water-Efficient Rebate Program from the Solano County Water Agency. For resources on how you can make a sustainable transformation in your own backyard (and on a budget!), here’s a playlist of videos from the class and more.