Community Gardens
We maintain two community gardens in Benicia, Swenson Garden and Avant Garden. Both gardens have raised beds filled with locally acquired, organic, rich soil, with additional organic compost provided. Beds are assigned on a first come, first serve basis. BCG gardeners must, according to BCG policies, adhere to organic gardening standards and use resources wisely, especially our precious water!
From our experience over the years, we know that gardeners come and go, depending on how much time they have, their work life and family commitments. If a bed is not immediately available, we maintain a waiting list and will contact you as soon as one is free. Click here to learn how to join our Community Gardens program.
Join the Benicia Community Gardens!
Garden with BCG!

Swenson Garden
Our first garden named after our founder, Dr. Swenson, is a well-established space on the property of Benicia Heritage Presbyterian Church. Swenson Garden consists of 26 garden beds, a shed and a picnic area.

Avant Garden
Our second community garden, Avant Garden, is located in the heart of Benicia, on First Street. It’s a bigger garden; there are 43 garden beds, a shed, an outdoor education area, a picnic area, and our beloved “Benicia Community Share” plot where volunteers grow food for donation.