HOA Projects
About the Hampton Bay HOA Project
As Sustainable Solano has grown our focus from single residential yards to community spaces and resilient neighborhoods, we have looked for a partner organization that can help advance the vision of more sustainable spaces within our communities.
Hampton Bay HOA in Benicia has taken the initiative to bring new landscaping techniques to the community that save water, reduce maintenance and create beautiful spaces. We are excited to be partnering with them on pilot projects that show how lawn areas can be replaced by sustainable landscapes that achieve these goals while improving the environment.
This page is intended as a resource for Hampton Bay HOA residents who want to learn more about the project. We hope that the project and initiative taken by Hampton Bay HOA will serve as an example for other HOAs that are looking for ways to create more sustainable, aesthetically pleasing and cost-saving landscapes among their common areas.
If you are an HOA interested in transitioning to more sustainable landscaping, please fill out this form so we can explore possibilities!
Why Sustainable?
The pilot projects at Hampton Bay HOA encompass two sites that were previously lawn. Sustainable Solano Program Manager Michael Wedgley has created designs that incorporate plants that attract pollinators and support each other, in-ground swales that capture rainwater and the use of mulch to build healthy soil. To create healthy soil that will better hold water and nurture healthy plants, Michael will apply extracts and compost tea that will encourage soil life to flourish. By creating a rich environment, there will be less need for added irrigation once the sites are established. The HOA will measure irrigation use at these pilot sites compared to lawn areas in the community.
Learn more about creating healthy soil life in this paper from Michael:
– Growing Healthier Plants and Ecosystems Regeneratively with Biology
Final Designs
Designer: Michael Wedgley
Larger Pilot Site
Learn more about this finished pilot project and the elements that help to save water and support a healthy, beautiful ecosystem here.
Learn more about this finished pilot project and the elements that help to save water and support a healthy, beautiful ecosystem here.
Design Elements/Plant List
Blue arrows: Roofwater capture
- Sam: Sambucus nigra – Black Elderberry
- Umb: Umbellularia californica – Bay Laurel
- Cer: Cercis occidentalis – Western Redbud
- Ely: Elymus multisetus – Big Squirreltail
- Epil: Epilobium canum – California Fuschia
- Erio: Eriogonum nudum – Nude Buckwheat
- Ach: Achillea millefolium – Common Yarrow
- Asc: Asclepias fascicularis – Narrowleaf Milkweed
- Mon: Monardella villosa – Coyote Mint
- Esc: Eschscholzia californica – California Poppy
- Lup: Lupinus albifrons – Silver Lupine
- SalA: Salvia apiana – White Sage
- SalS: Salvia spathacea – Hummingbird Sage
- Scr: Scrophularia californica – Bee Plant
Small Pilot Site
Design Elements/Plant List
Blue arrows: Roofwater capture
- OriP: Origanum laevigatum – Hopley’s Purple Oregano
- LavS: Lavendula stoechas – Silver Anouck Lavender
- Epil: Epilobium canum – California Fuschia
- Elae: Elaeagnus x ebbingei – Ebbings Silverberry ‘Gilt Edge’
- Ach: Achillea millefolium – Common Yarrow
- ThyPC: Thymus serpyllum – Creeping Thyme ‘Pink Chintz’
- SalA: Salvia apiana – White Sage
- Scr: Scrophularia californica – Bee Plant
- Lup: Lupinus albifrons – Silver Lupine
- SalS: Salvia spathacea – Hummingbird Sage
- Esc: Eschscholzia californica – California Poppy
Progress Reports
Click on the posts below to learn more. We will provide periodic updates on the process.
Why Hampton Bay HOA Decided on Sustainable Landscaping
We’ve worked closely with the Hampton Bay HOA in Benicia in a partnership to demonstrate how a waterwise, beautiful native garden could replace water-hungry lawns in HOA common areas. Here, Hampton Bay HOA’s Rick Theisen offers some insight on that partnership and the first pilot project.
Feb. 28, 2022: Preparing for Installation
After finalizing the designs for the two pilot sites with the HOA, Permaculture Designer Michael Wedgley and landscaper Jerry Saitta met at the site to talk over the designs.
Dec. 4, 2021: Town Hall (with video)
The town hall with HOA members on Dec. 4 was a great opportunity for Permaculture Designer Michael Wedgley to share the proposed designs for the two pilot sites that will replace the grass with sustainable, low-maintenance, waterwise landscaping that captures rainwater and incorporates beautiful native plants and shrubs. (Get the highlights and watch the video)
Meet Designer Michael Wedgley
Michael Wedgley is creating the designs for both of the pilot sites at Hampton Bay HOA, and will be working with the HOA’s landscaping company to coordinate the installation of the designs.
Sustainable Landscaping Examples
Explore different sustainable garden landscapes by scrolling through these photos.
Nov. 9, 2021: Site Assessment Visit
This visit was an opportunity for the Hampton Bay landscaping committee and landscaper Jerry Saitta to meet with designer Michael Wedgley and to observe the two sites selected for the pilot projects.
Next Steps
Designer Michael Wedgley will gave a public talk over Zoom on the importance of soil biology. You can watch the video here.
The next step for this project will be the installation this spring! We will provide periodic updates above on the progress.