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Allison Nagel, Communications Manager
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Sustainable Solano in the News!
HOA leaders tell how they transformed neighborhood with water-saving landscaping — and saved money on the projects as well
Press Releases
Here’s our latest news. Find our archive of press releases here.

Sustainable Solano’s Position on California Forever
Sustainable Solano has remained publicly silent until now about California Forever, both as a proposal and a ballot item. But we have spent that time in active discussions as a team and board to weigh the California Forever proposal and the process taken to get it to this point and test it for alignment with Sustainable Solano’s mission and objective to nurture initiatives for the good of the whole. We have determined the motives behind California Forever do not align with our values as an organization, even if some parts of the proposed community do reflect measures we would like to see for Solano County’s existing cities.
Fairfield Residents Invited To Track Their Air Quality With Free Monitors
Sustainable Solano is seeking four households or businesses in Fairfield to receive a free outdoor Purple Air Monitor to help create a community-led air monitoring network.
Meals on Wheels Partnership a Breath of Fresh Air
As part of the Climate Disaster Impact on Solano Air Quality program, we were fortunate to partner with Meals on Wheels Solano County to help with distributing 40 home air purifiers and educational materials on air quality and environmental hazards to community members who most needed them.
Celebration Gratitude from Sustainable Solano
We would like to extend a warm thank you to everyone who attended our 25th Anniversary celebration! Your presence truly made the evening special, and it was wonderful to see so many familiar faces and meet new friends who share our passion for the mission of our organization.