Simple Greywater Systems Bring Laundry Water to Your Landscape
By Sustainable Solano

Participants learn how to install a laundry-to-landscape greywater system at a Vallejo home
With California in a state of severe to exceptional drought, it is a good time to think of water conservation and reuse to keep your trees and shrubs alive during the dry months.
Sustainable Solano works with our partner organization, Greywater Action, to bring hands-on workshops to Solano County where you can learn how to install a laundry-to-landscape system at your home. These simple systems reuse water from your washing machine to irrigate mulch basins, often around trees, in your yard. The systems require a few tweaks in habits – you have to use specific kinds of laundry detergents that will be kind to your plants and have to remember to switch the three-way valve to send water to the sewer when using bleach, washing diapers, etc. But it is a great way to reuse water to keep your landscape healthy.
SuSol is currently looking for Solano homeowners who are interested in hosting one of these workshops. Homes must meet certain criteria to be a good site for a workshop, for example the washing machine must be located by an exterior wall. Simpler setups are best for teaching others how to install a system at home. If you would be interested in welcoming community members to your home to get your laundry-to-landscape system going, please fill out the interest form at this link:
We will review the interest form and contact those with compatible homes for a site visit.