Armijo High School Garden Expansion Workday 3:45-5:45 pm, Armijo High School, Fairfield Help expand Jardin de la Esperanza, the already-producing market garden at Armijo High School. Armijo High School runs one of Sustainable Solano's most productive garden programs through their garden club! These public, hands-on installations will be held to expand the garden to add in wind-blocking shrubs […]
Learn about sustainable food production and help plant and place food-producing plants in a newly constructed greenhouse! This public, hands-on workshop will expand an already existing market garden to add food-producing plants to a greenhouse located next to the garden at the Transformation Village in Vallejo, providing an opportunity to learn about permaculture, green house […]
Learn about sustainable food production and help plant and place food-producing plants in a newly constructed greenhouse! This public, hands-on workshop will expand an already existing market garden to add food-producing plants to a greenhouse located next to the garden at the Transformation Village in Vallejo, providing an opportunity to learn about permaculture, green house […]