Pollinators Paradise
Dixon Sustainable Backyard
This is an old page. Find the latest on Pollinators Paradise here!

The yard before the demonstration food forest. Watch the videos below to see how it became Pollinators Paradise.
Pollinators Paradise is our first demonstration food forest garden in Dixon!
Watch the series of videos below to see the creation of “Pollinators Paradise,” Dixon’s first demonstration food forest garden, and learn about the important elements of a permaculture food forest. The series of six short videos covers Design, Swale & Berm, Healthy Soil & Sheet Mulching, Planting Fruit Trees, Food Forest Layers, and Irrigation.
Interested in being part of the Sustainable Backyards movement? Fill out our Sustainable Landscaping Interest Form here to see if your yard is the right fit to qualify for transformation into a sustainable, waterwise, edible garden or join us at one of our public workshop events to bring new ideas back to your own property!