Enchanted Cottage Garden
Vallejo Sustainable Backyard

Food Forest Keepers: Melissa and Steve
Site Details
Installation Date:
May 2017
1600 square feet
Sun Exposure:
8 hours
Number of Swales:
Secondary Water:
Lawn Conversion
Roofwater Diverted to Swales
Total annual water impact:
95,495 gallons
Designer: Kathleen Huffman
Plant List:
The Sustainable Solano banner at the Farmer’s market caught the eye of me and my nine year old daughter. We decided that our goals were aligned and that we would apply to have a garden installation. The entire project was a family affair – from filling out the app to choosing the name and plants. Our joy at being chosen only increased when the installation began and so many friends we had not met before came to help. My son’s Boy Scout troop even came and laid the flagstones working together to figure out how they looked best.
Vision for the Future:
The garden has become a focal point of our lives. We installed a string of lights down the side and have hosted numerous parties on our driveway. Our youngest runs around on the flagstone paths more than she ever did when it was a lawn. We take family photos there. We sit and chat with neighbors or do schoolwork at the cafe table. Our grandson who is one, likes to touch everything! When the weather is poor, we watch the birds in the bath from inside our living room. We harvest food and herbs almost every day. It has been fun to grow what is familiar and even more fun to learn how to eat what is not. Our youngest hadn’t seen fava before. She looked up what they were and then how to cook them and then prepared them for the family often. We were excited to dig up the yacon and use the tuber in slaws and salads. it is delicious! We spend a great deal of time in the garden talking about sustainability, water conservation, food and so much more with neighbors and passers-by.