For immediate release
Media Contact: Allison Nagel, communications manager
- 805-512-0901
Interviews, photos and other materials available upon request
Suisun City will hold its first Climate and Environmental Festival from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 9 at the Suisun Harbor Theater.
The festival creates an opportunity for Suisun City community members and other Solano County residents to connect with organizations focused on the environment and climate resilience. Admission is free.
Suisun City will need to adapt and respond to increased flood risks from climate change, both from increasingly strong storms and sea level rise. The Suisun City Climate and Environmental Festival is being offered by the City of Suisun City and Sustainable Solano’s Resilient Neighborhoods program as a way to build public awareness around environmental risks, and better inform public engagement around developing the city’s Flood Resilience Action Plan.
Participating partners include San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, Suisun City Adopt-A-Neighborhood, Bike Mobile, Solano Land Trust, Solano County Resource Conservation District, Fairfield Suisun Sewer District, Suisun City, Solano County Library and MCE Clean Energy.
The Suisun City Climate and Environmental Festival will include booths with family-friendly activities and informative talks on resilience. The San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission will address the threats from sea level rise and different strategies and solutions for Suisun City. Anne Freiwald and Lydia Neilsen of Vital Cycles will speak about creating climate-conscious landscapes — offering ideas for what residents can do in their yards for more resilience to climate challenges, from flooding to drought.
Nonprofit organizations and community groups are invited to join the festival to showcase their environmental projects and work in Suisun City and around the region. Tabling spaces at the festival are free and offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Any group or organization interested in hosting a booth at the festival should contact Resilient Neighborhoods Program Manager Jonathan Erwin at
The festival, which will be held mostly outdoors, will meet the county’s current guidelines for health and public safety around COVID-19 protocols.
Find more details here as they’re announced:
Suisun City Climate and Environmental Festival
10 am- 3 pm Oct. 9
Suisun Harbor Theater
The City of Suisun in partnership with Sustainable Solano will be hosting the city’s inaugural Climate and Environmental Festival showcasing environmental projects and organizations from across Suisun City and the region. The event will include opportunities for residents and participants to engage with organizations to help save the environment and foster climate resilience in Suisun City.
Schedule of Events:
10 am-3 pm Resource and Engagement Fair
11 am Adapting to Rising Tides in Suisun City and across Solano County
The San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) will share their Adapting to Rising Tide’s (ART) Program work on sea level rise vulnerability and adaptation planning in the San Francisco Bay Area. This will include findings from the 2020 ART Bay Area report on sea level rise vulnerability impacts and consequences in the Suisun/Fairfield area, as well as BCDC’s work on regional sea level rise adaptation through Bay Adapt: A Regional Strategy for a Rising Bay.
11:30 am Climate Futures in Suisun City
Kris May from Silvestrum Climate Associates will discuss sea level rise adaptation opportunities and considerations in Suisun City. In collaboration with the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC), the 2019 Suisun City Focus Area: Example Application of the Adaptation Planning Process report was created, which provides a hypothetical case study of sea level rise adaptation options in Suisun City.
12 pm Protecting the Marsh: A New Suisun Marsh Protection Plan
BCDC will also provide information about a major project to update the Suisun Marsh Protection Plan, a protection plan aimed at protecting the natural resources of, and public access to, the Suisun Marsh. The Plan, created in the 1970’s is undergoing an update to address a number of changes that have taken place since its creation. We are planning to have many conversations with stakeholders and the public, to gather input and perspectives, as we update the plan. We will present on the status of the update, and our plans for the future.
1 pm Transforming your Yard, Nature based solutions to addressing Climate Change
Anne Freiwald & Lydia Neilsen of Vital Cycles Permaculture will present nature-based solutions to addressing climate change impacts in your yard and community. Learn more about how your lawn and landscape can help make your home and community more resilient to flooding, drought and other climate impacts.
Participating partners:
- San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission
- Suisun City Adopt-A-Neighborhood
- Bike Mobile
- Solano Land Trust
- Solano County Resource Conservation District
- Fairfield Suisun Sewer District
- Suisun City, Solano County Library
- MCE Clean Energy
Vendors and Groups interested in tabling should contact Jonathan Erwin at
About Sustainable Solano
Sustainable Solano is a countywide nonprofit organization that is dedicated to “Nurturing Initiatives for the Good of the Whole.” The organization brings together programs that support and sustain one another and the Solano County community. Initiatives include sustainable landscaping, local food, resilient neighborhoods, sustaining conversations and community gardens.
For more information, visit
About Resilient Neighborhoods
Sustainable Solano’s Resilient Neighborhoods program is to unite neighbors in working collaboratively, with the support of the greater community, to create robust and regenerative urban ecosystems that mimic nature in performing valuable functions like producing food, filtering air and cycling water. We hope to create a culture of collaboration and mutual investment in a brighter future, instilling new social and environmental connections within communities across the county. The program is funded by the Pacific Gas & Electric Corporation Foundation.
For more information: