Fun Facts About Soil For Children and Adults!

It’s no secret that kids and soil go hand in hand. Kids definitely know where to find it and love to dig in it. While they might find playing in it fun, they may be surprised to learn that soil is the basis for all growing things including the food they eat! Below are some fun videos on dirt and soil for kids to learn about what dirt is made of and how it relates to every meal they eat.

California-based nonprofit Kiss The Ground is a champion for regenerative living and the restoration of soil worldwide. Through policy and media, participation is encouraged from individuals, farmers, communities and governments to build back healthy soil.

Remaking and Repairing CA Food Systems

The Berkeley Food Institute launches its newest project, ‘Hungry for Change,’ a collection of compelling profiles showcasing the work of 20 emerging food system leaders across California who are advancing equity, health, and sustainability in food systems. These 20 up-and-coming trailblazers represent a broad range of geographic regions, areas of reform, and socio-economic backgrounds. What these leaders have in common: a desire to remake food systems in order to bring about greater equity, justice, sustainability, and health for all.

This project chronicles the successes, challenges, and innovative thinking of these trailblazers intent on making change on a local, regional, and national level. These farmers, policy advocates, social entrepreneurs, and social justice activists work in different fields, but share a vision of remaking and repairing food systems.

Hungry for Change grew out of BFI’s Changemakers project and takes the form of a print publication, written by Sarah Henry, and a 10-minute movie, produced by Fabian Aguirre and Maya Pisciotto of The UnderstoryClick here to watch film clip.

The project was generously supported by the California Endowment.


The Power of YOUR Voice: June 15th Deadline to Apply to Serve on the Vallejo Participatory Budgeting Steering Committee

Participatory Budgeting (PB) is a democratic process in which community members recommend to the City Council how to spend part of a public budget. It enables taxpayers to work with government to make the budget decisions that affect their lives. Developed first in Brazil in 1989, Participatory Budgeting is now practiced in over 1,500 cities around the world.The City and Vallejo residents’ involvement in Participatory Budgeting has made Vallejo a model for city and government institutions worldwide. Through new partnerships with universities and educational institutions, non-profit organizations, generated recognition from The White House, The AtlanticSlate Magazine, Time and National Public Radio, Vallejo has become the gold standard for public participation and collaborative government.
What is the Participatory Budgeting Steering Committee?
The Participatory Budgeting Steering Committee facilitates the PB process, which includes recommending program rules, planning public meetings, and conducting outreach with diverse communities.
Members work with City Staff to ensure that PB Vallejo is transparent, fair, and inclusive.
The committee has a total of 11 seats, comprised of organizational and at-large members.
Committee members serve for 2 cycles of Vallejo’s PB process (Approximately 2 years).
Currently, there are 6 member vacancies and 3 alternate member vacancies.
If you would like to serve on the PBSC please fill out the PBSC Application .
Applications must be received no later than close of business on Friday, June 15, 2018.
City Council interviews have tentatively been scheduled for the weeks of July 2 through July 16 starting as early as 5:30 p.m.
Applicants must attend the interview in order to be considered for appointment.
We are also inviting Federally-designated 501(c) 3 non-profit organizations to apply to be potential implementing partners click here for the Prequalification Requirements and here for the NPO Application

The Search for a Business Model – Three Stone Hearth, Co-ops and Holacracy

By Stephanie Oelsligle Jordan

As many of you know, Sustainable Solano has been working on a USDA Local Food Promotion Program planning grant, for what we’ve been calling “Community Food Centers”.  We are in Phase 2 of the project, which includes exploring successful, relevant business models, from which we hope to glean ideas for our own model.  From May 23-29, Elena Karoulina, Kristin Kiesel and myself dove head-first into Three Stone Hearth’s “Week-long Kitchen Intensive,” to see how they run their worker-owned cooperative in Berkeley.  For seven days straight we – along with 6 other people – listened, observed, discussed, questioned, chopped, jarred, and cooked in their commercial kitchen.  By the end of the week, we had new information on “Holacracy” (a form of democratic leadership – more on that later), Co-ops, nutrient dense food, and everything in between.

But first, a little history.  Three Stone Hearth is the nation’s first community supported kitchen.  It’s mission is to “heal our community, our planet, and ourselves by building a sustainable model for community scale food preparation and processing that honors culinary traditions and provides nutrient-dense foods for local households and beyond.”  Inspired by diverse cuisines and cultures, Three Stone Hearth produces weekly menus of prepared foods, along with fermented beverages such as kombucha, kefir, beet kvass and the like.  While there last week, I helped prep an Ethiopian Beef Stew, mixed lime into polenta, and jarred green beans for pickling.  A recent menu included Chicken Posole, Mexican Albondigas Soup, a Vegan Cauliflower Soup with Lemongrass and Ginger, Tuscan White Bean Soup, Braised Pork with Saurkraut, Beef Liver Pate with Mushrooms and Thyme, various condiments (pestos, pepper jelly, mayonnaise, salad dressing) and more.  For more information on Three Stone Hearth, visit

The food prepared at Three Stone Hearth is informed by the research of Dr. Weston A. Price (1870-1948), a Cleveland dentist who was interested in finding the secret to good health.  He was also interested to know why second and third generations of people (down from his original patients) had markedly more dental decay and teeth issues.  For nearly 10 years, he and his wife travelled the world and analyzed diets of secluded populations, as opposed to studying those who were ill.  He visited 14 different countries, including remote villages in Switzerland, Eskimos and Indians in North and South America, African tribes, Melanesian and Polynesian South Islanders and Australian Aborigines to name a few.  His research found that people who were isolated and not yet touched by commercialized agriculture and food production – in other words, those who followed a traditional/ancestral, nutrient-dense diet – had properly spaced teeth, very little tooth decay, good dental arches, better immunity to tuberculosis, and overall excellent health.  In contrast, people who consumed processed food had more dental caries, deformed jaw structures, crooked teeth, arthritis and a low immunity to tuberculosis.  After this extensive research, he identified eleven characteristics of traditional diets that crossed over among all cultures, including methods such as soaking/sprouting grains, nuts and seeds; avoiding refined or denatured foods; consuming equal amounts of omega-6 and omega-3 essential fatty acids; consuming some sort of animal protein, and more.  Additional information on his work can be found on The Weston A. Price Foundation website

Day One of our Kitchen Intensive included a presentation by Jessica Prentice (founding member and worker-owner of Three Stone Hearth) on diets of traditional peoples around the world, and how those diets influence the dishes made at Three Stone Hearth.  Jessica also spoke of the role of dairy products in traditional diets.  On Day Two, Jessica delved into the history of Three Stone Hearth – how it was founded and how their business plan emerged.  She also spoke about their organizational structure and governance, Holacracy, which removes traditional management hierarchies and replaces them with distributed authority, where authority lives as close to the work as possible (not up to the boss/supervisor, etc).  Everyone becomes a leader of their respective “roles,” but also becomes a follower of other people’s roles.  (Visualize five or six small circles – like departments – within the larger circle of the organization.  These are the “roles”; however, no role is more powerful than the others.)  As a result, operations within the organization have more transparency.  The Holocratic model focuses more on “sense and respond” instead of “predict and control”.  Another way Jessica discussed Holocracy was “of the organization, through the people, for the purpose.”  Structured as a worker co-op, no one may be an owner without being a worker.  Members of the co-op don’t own a percentage of the company, but they do receive profits, which are distributed via “patronage”, based on hours worked.  The size/scale of Three Stone Hearth is also specific – it strives to be a community kitchen, which is larger than home kitchens, but not at a factory level; it is a smaller community making food for a larger community, much like community bread-baking facilities of years past.  Day Two concluded with some hands-on learning about fermentation, preservation, and the making of lots of sauerkraut!

Day Three continued the discussion of traditional diets, focusing on fats and the use of bones and braising in traditional cooking.  We then moved on to a presentation on Dietary Protocols, led by Nutritional Therapist, Joey Anderson.  Joey discussed the differences between various diets, including GAPS, Paleo, Keto, Mediterranean, etc., and how they relate to traditional diets, as promoted by Weston Price.  Then, we were off to the kitchen for jarring of bone broth, pickling green beans, processing liver for pate, and learning methods for culturing dairy products.

On Day Four, Jessica was back to discuss Budget and Finance within Three Stone Hearth, and how the numbers intersect with the organization’s values of People, Planet & Profit.  Like many organizations and commercial kitchens, they strive to keep a balance between income and various costs.  Three Stone Hearth’s sales are comprised of Housemade products (like the broth, pickles, soups and stews described above), Retail products (made elsewhere and sold in-store), Fermentation and Preservation products (made in-house), Educational classes, and also “Homestead” products, which are bodycare items and household products like candles.  She discussed challenges and opportunities within their model, such as the need to create “rescue recipes” to ensure little to no food waste.  Another worker-owner named Mud walked us through how they source ingredients, which are organic and local whenever possible.  It was challenging for some small-scale farmers to work with them, due to the quantities needed.  At the same time, certain distributors were challenged with them because of their smaller scale.  In other cases, Three Stone Hearth had the opportunity to work with smaller producers to develop certain products, and then guarantee the purchases of these products.  We saw this in action in the afternoon, when we visited Feral Heart Farm at the Sunol Ag Park.  The farmer was experimenting with different types of crops for Three Stone Hearth, which can ultimately be a stepping stone for expansion.

Day Five brought our group of nine participants back into the kitchen, where we joined production for chicken vegetable soup, Ethiopian Beef Stew, Zucchini Pickles, West African Peanut-Ginger Sauce, and flavor preps for fermentation and preservation.  In the afternoon, Jessica Prentice walked us through “Mapping Polarities in Organizations,” a process and framework for working through opposition, recognizing the pros and cons of each side, and then refocusing on the larger goal and solutions.  It has been a very useful way for the worker-owners at Three Stone Hearth to get “unstuck” and find a balance that fits the situation.  Examples of polarities that our kitchen intensive group came up with were “hard work vs. self care”, “practicality vs. vision”, and “automation vs. people power.”  At the end of each polarity analysis, we outlined action steps which would move away from one side (or the other), toward balance.

Day Six began with us observing Three Stone Hearth’s monthly “General Company Circle” Holocratic meeting.  There are two types of basic meetings in Holacracy:  1) Tactical Meetings, which focus on operational concerns, ongoing projects, new actions and metrics, and 2) Governance Meetings which focus on the structure of the Circle, looking at roles, accountabilities and policies.  For example, in a Governance meeting, tasks may be moved from one role to another.  Policy issues cannot be addressed in a Tactical meeting, and operations issues cannot be addressed in a Governance meeting.  At Three Stone Hearth’s meeting, topics discussed included wage reviews, monthly profit & loss, professional development, and new policies.  More information about Holacracy can be found at

The second part of Day Six featured Ricardo Nunez, Cooperatives Program Director at The Sustainable Economies Law Center (SELC).  Ricardo explained how co-op attorneys assist with agreements, risk assessments, employment law and much more.  Co-ops can be 1) a legal entity, 2) a legal structure (even if the business is another legal entity, like an LLC), 3) a tax category and/or 4) a set of values and principles.  He pointed out that the strongest co-ops are networked with other co-ops, and they offer a certain level of economic resiliency and stability.  For example, in Minneapolis, MN, there are 17 food co-ops.  The marketing, finance and other departments of these co-ops come together to share resources, and as a result have leveraged their position in the community, thus keeping certain other grocery chains out of the market.  The last presentation of the day was on menu planning, new product development, costing and pricing, production planning and inventory.  Menu planning at Three Stone Hearth involves almost everyone – a designated planner, product coach, ingredient buyer, people doing costing and several other coordinators.  The challenge is to bring all these ideas together each week in a one-hour meeting to determine what gets on the menu.

Our last day at Three Stone Hearth took us back into the kitchen for some more food prep, and then a  “Business Planning 101” session with Kristina Sepetys, a food writer, consultant and economist.  She gave advice on choosing company names, business structure, accounting and finance/investment.  We also discussed the use of various start-up tools, “pop-ups” for marketing, and community/customer engagement.  We ended our week with a final Q&A session with some of Three Stone Hearth’s founding members and kitchen personnel, and a celebration with house-made cake (a recipe they were testing!)  It was so very generous of Three Stone Hearth to open their doors to us.  We all left with a greater understanding of their role in the community, as well as the local economy.  Now, our challenge is to see how aspects of their model might apply to our project.  Stay tuned!

Sustainable Solano Receives Funding For Local Urban Forestry Project

Last December, we expanded our mission to promote environmental, economic, and socially just communities by partnering with Mission Solano, a local Fairfield homeless shelter, to install a demonstration food forest garden. We are pleased to announce that Sustainable Solano has received a grant from the California ReLeaf Social Equity Tree Planting Program that will fund the planting of 54 additional trees throughout the Mission Solano campus!

The project titled “Vision Solano”, will convert this 3.5 acre campus into a resilient, mixed-canopy urban forest complete with 37 California Native drought-tolerant trees and 17 fruit trees. These trees will be fed through secondary water sources such as a laundry-to-landscape greywater system, rain barrels and roof water where possible. This urban forestry project will provide greenhouse gas reduction benefits, healthy “zero carbon footprint” produce, educational and job training opportunities for over 150 Mission Solano residents and a beautified shared space for all of Solano County to enjoy and learn from.

In fall of 2018, a series of hands-on workshops, free and open to all, will be offered where community members can help participate in the creation of this urban forest that will serve as a living lab on the campus: a teaching ground on sustainable landscaping practices and urban forestry for local communities.

Long-term benefits of this project will include soil and soul restoration, water and energy conservation and groundwater recharge. We are thrilled to create a place of peace and beauty for the most vulnerable members of our community.

If you would like to take an active role in this project, please consider applying for a Sustainable Landscaping Project Coordinator position: your key job responsibility will be to create this urban forest and another four sustainable edible gardens throughout the county. For more details, click here.

Reclaiming the Food and Farm as a Commons Conversation with Neil Thapar

By: Elena Karoulina, Executive Director

On a sunny Saturday morning, a group of local community members gathered at Morningsun Farm in Vacaville to have a conversation with a Food and Farm Attorney Neil Thapar from the Sustainable Economies Law Center.

In the beginning, Neil painted a grim picture of the state of our national food system. We produce a lot of food and throw away 40% of it, while the rate of hunger is going up each year. For example, studies show that one in four kids is going hungry in our county. Diet-related diseases are also on a rise, so all we have to show for our latest “advancements” in agriculture and food production is the excess of food and decreased food security and community’ well-being.

Neil focused on the three major components of production: land, labor, and capital, and shared with us the staggering examples of the increasing level of consolidation of ownership in agriculture, food industries and land use. Our food system, from field to table, is being concentrated in just a handful of companies.

Then Neil introduced a concept of commons. The commons is the cultural and natural resources accessible to all members of a society, including natural materials such as air, water, and a habitable earth. These resources are held in common, not owned privately (Wikipedia). He talked a little bit about an American economist Elinor Ostrom, the first and only woman to receive a Nobel Prize in Economic Science for her work defining principles of the commons.

We discussed how some of the industries can be organized based on cooperation and community control and looked closely to the following examples:

  1. Worker owned enterprises: Arismendi, Cloverleaf Farm, Flying U Farm, South Central Farmers
  2. Cooperative lending: credit unions as a concept and Shared Capital Cooperative as an example
  3. Crowd investing: Direct Public Offering done by Peoples’ Community Market and Equal Exchange CD
  4. Community Farmland Trusts: Agrarian Trust, a project of the Schumacher Center for New Economy (remember “Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered” book?!)
  5. Farmland Investment Cooperatives: Poudre Valley Community Farms

All these efforts are in the early stages of development and none of them are in our area. We, at Sustainable Solano, are working on envisioning and implementing some of these ideas in our county, but it will take time and dedicated effort.

Meanwhile, there are other ways to support this “new” emerging world of commons:


Short-term: Learn about history of native people in your area, how US policies displace them, and how that relates and influences your local food system.

Long-term: Create a community land trust to manifest permanently affordable, community-controlled, democratically-managed land


Short-term: Increase your spending at cooperatives by a definite amount over the next 6 month (and help take “Cultivate Community Food Co-op off the ground).

Long-term: Convert your business, or suggest conversion, to a worker-owned cooperative


Short-term: Move your money (checking / saving / loans) to a credit union

Long-term: Redirect a significant amount of your investments into locally owned businesses or cooperatives.