Events Calendar
(Rio Vista) Demonstration Food Forest Installation: Day 1 of 2
Rio Vista (Register for Address)Join us October 28 to learn about sustainable landscape design and help install a demonstration food forest garden based on permaculture principles in Rio Vista! Register here! This public, hands-on […]
(Dixon) Solano RCD Fall Plant Sale
Ruhstaller Farm 6686 Sievers Rd, DixonSolano RCD Fall Plant Sale Oct. 28, 12-5 pm, Ruhstaller Farm, Dixon The Solano Resource Conservation District will hold its fall plant sale at Ruhstaller Farm with a wide variety […]
(Vallejo) Mare Island Halloween Block Party
Officers Row, Mare IslandGhostly stories, trick or treat, pick and paint a pumpkin, pet costume contest, spooky songs and dances, food trucks, music and more!
(Fairfield) Illinois Street Community Clean-Up
FairfieldIllinois Street Community Clean Up 10 am-12 pm, Illinois Street, Fairfield Come to help clean up the weed and trash-filled lot where we hope to collaborate with Fairfield residents to put […]
(Vallejo) Vallejo Project Unity Garden Cover Crop Workshop
Unity Garden, VallejoVallejo Unity Garden Cover Crop Workshop 10 am-3pm, Unity Garden, Vallejo Help us prepare the soil for a tree replanting in the new year at Vallejo's Unity Garden. This public, hands-on […]
(Rio Vista) Demonstration Food Forest Installation: Day 2 of 2
Rio Vista (Register for Address)Join us Nov. 4 to learn about sustainable landscape design and help install a demonstration food forest garden based on permaculture principles in Rio Vista! Register here! This public, hands-on […]
(Vallejo) Veterans Day Powwow
Morton Field, Mare IslandVeterans Day Powwow Nov. 11, 1-8:30 pm, Morton Field, Mare Island The 7 Generations Tribal Council will host its first Veterans Day Powwow on Mare Island to honor those who […]
(Rio Vista) Community Garden Planning Meeting
Rio Vista LibraryRio Vista Community Garden Planning Meetings The next meetings to help plan the community garden near downtown Rio Vista will be held at 3 pm Nov. 11 and Nov. 25 […]
(Fairfield) Cover Crop Workshop
Illinois Street Garden, FairfieldFairfield Cover Crop Workshop 10 am-3 pm, Illinois Street Garden, Fairfield Help us prepare for the development of a food forest in the new year. During this hands-on garden workday we will improve […]
(Online) Ag Land, Development, Zoning & Orderly Growth: How Does It Work? (Panel Presentation)
Online/ZoomAg Land, Development, Zoning & Orderly Growth: How Does It Work? Register Here The Solano Local Food System Alliance will hold a conversation among experts in how zoning and planning […]
(Vallejo) Volunteer: Garden Workday
Emmanuel Temple Apostolic ChurchOften the community gardens in SuSol's network could use some community help with everything from basic sprucing up to planting or sometimes just moving a big pile of mulch. If […]
CANCELED: (Rio Vista) Learn to Grow Culinary Mushrooms
Rio Vista Community CenterCANCELED Due to circumstances beyond our control, this class has been canceled. We are actively looking for an instructor who can lead a future culinary mushroom class.
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