Coming Soon: Suisun City Resilient Neighborhood
Suisun City

Suisun City Resilient Neighborhoods Program Planned for 2021
Sustainable Solano will create a Resilient Neighborhood in a Suisun City community at high risk for flooding that also has environmental and socioeconomic factors that create more vulnerability and less resiliency when faced with natural disasters. Various green infrastructure elements, such as stormwater-capturing in-ground swales, trees for shade and soil stabilization, rainwater-capturing edible landscapes, or other community-selected solutions, will be installed throughout the neighborhood through hands-on workshops. These workshops will provide information and get community input on flood risk.
As part of the project, a Youth Environmental Leadership internship will create the opportunity to work with our team learning about flooding risks, mitigation strategies, community outreach and Resilient Neighborhoods. Their experience also will help shape future youth fellowships.
Homeowners can apply to have their property considered for these projects or suggest community sites, such as at schools or places of worship, by filling out an interest form here:
For more information, read our blog on the Better Together Resilient Communities Grant supporting this expansion of our Resilient Neighborhoods program to Suisun City and this blog about the sites and specific neighborhoods we’re looking for.