Suisun City

Suisun City is located in south-central Solano County. The city is the gateway to the expansive wetlands of Suisun Marsh, the largest contiguous estuarine-marsh remaining on the west coast of North America. With a population of about 30,000 people, the city shares resources with neighboring Fairfield to the north while maintaining authority over local matters within an engaged city government. With its waterfront and marina community, Suisun City celebrates its connection to the water and nature unlike many other places in Solano County.

On this page, you can learn more about Environmental Hazards in the informative brochure below (click either image to download a print-quality version); about Pollution Indicators that affect local communities; City Efforts, including plans and commissions; an Environmental Directory of community organizations; and the involvement of Sustainable Solano Programs in Suisun City. (Click on the previous links to jump to that section of the page.)

Pollution Indicators

The California Communities Environmental Health Screening Tool is used to evaluate communities based on pollution burdens and the characteristics of people living in these communities. This information helps identify California communities that are most affected by different sources of pollution. Each of the data points below represents a value for a census tract as it compares to other census tracts in California. Census tracts are small, relatively stable statistical subdivisions of a county and usually contain between 1,200 to 8,000 people, with the optimal size of 4,000.

Census Tract

This is the highlighted census tract within Suisun City with color-coded indicator dots to reflect the pollution and socioeconomic indicators.

The information has been color-coded to reflect the severity of each pollution and socioeconomic indicator:

    To view complete and more detailed information for your census tract, visit:

    Focus Neighborhoods

    Zoom in and select a neighborhood on the map to get important environmental and socioeconomic information.

    These neighborhoods were selected using careful analysis of pollution burden and population characteristics indicators found in the CalEnviroScreen3.0 database. Each indicator is a measure of either environmental conditions or health and vulnerability factors.

    Learn more about the indicators in this summary document or on the CalEnviroScreen site.

    The census tracts with higher pollution burdens and population characteristics indicators were compared to the Nutrition, Education and Obesity Prevention Branch GIS Map. This database includes different demographics, including census blocks of people living under the federal poverty level.

    It was using these two databases that the final neighborhoods were picked. 

    City Efforts

    Susiun City Community Directory

    Sustainable Solano Programs

    Resilient Neighborhoods

    The Resilient Neighborhoods program worked with Suisun City as part of engaging the community on flood hazard mitigation plans and offfering residents small-scale solutions to try in their own neighborhoods. Learn more here!

    Solano Sustainable Backyards

    Learn about these waterwise edible gardens in Suisun City and around the county.

    Solano Gardens

    Learn about the Solano Gardens program and these edible gardens that bring healthy produce to local communities.

    Sustainable Landscaping Sites

    Have a site for a project in Suisun City? Fill out our Sustainable Landscaping Interest Form.

    Get Involved!

    Interested in volunteering with Sustainable Solano in Suisun City? Fill out our volunteer interest form.