Day 1: Vallejo Food Forest Educational Workshops

By Allison Nagel


On Saturday, about 15 volunteers arrived at the Enchanted Cottage Garden for the first day of transforming the Vallejo home’s front yard into a food forest.

Eight cubic yards of mulch, a stack of cardboard and a nondescript patch of grass in the front yard greeted volunteers as they arrived. Blue lines detailed where swales would go; orange outlined the edges of the planned garden. Shovels, pickaxes, wheelbarrows and trowels waited at the ready.

We moved to the backyard where we learned what to expect for the day. Sustainable Solano Executive Director Elena Karoulina talked about the food forests the organization had created in Benicia — gardens that will be featured in the 7 Food Forests tour on May 20. She talked about bringing the program to Vallejo, starting with this day’s work.

Then it was time for Kathleen Huffman, owner of The Repurposed Oakie, to go over her plans for the front-yard food forest, with several fruit trees surrounded by bushes, lower vegetation and vines. She walked the group through the plan for the day to create something that nurtured the soil, starting with laying the groundwork on Saturday.

We shifted to the front of the house, where the volunteers gathered in a circle, taking a mindful moment to appreciate the ground beneath our feet and the way we would combine our efforts to achieve something bigger than ourselves for the greater good.

We started digging the trenches for the swales, roughly a shovel-blade deep by a blade wide. Earth piled up next to the swales, ready to be shaped into berms for planting. At the side of the house where the rainspout ended, we dug out another trench for the pipe that would funnel rainwater from the roof into one of the swales where it could spread out and soak in. Pickaxes were used to create tiny trenches around the edge of areas that would be mulched, digging out dirt and pulling up grass.

Stakes around the yard showed where various trees would go, including apple trees, Bacon avocado trees and a fig tree that had sprouted in a neighbor’s yard. Ever the learning experience, those of us who knew little about planting fruit trees worked alongside volunteers with intimate knowledge of the depth of the hole, the value of mixing in amendments with the local soil, the need to create rough edges on the sides of the hole and even how to face the tree so it could best grow in the sun and wind in that yard.

Once the trees were in and the swales dug and filled with mulch, there was a natural pause — a perfect time to take a break, sit in the shade and continue conversations started during the digging and start new dialogues over lunch.

Rested and ready after lunch, the group started the next stage, laying out and staking in the cardboard and then mulching, mulching, mulching. Teams worked shoveling the mulch, pushing it over the cardboard in wheelbarrows and raking it out 3-inches deep. Before long, the day’s tasks were over. Many hands had made light work, and the yard was transformed.

It was a wonderful day of collaboration and conversation and left us with a satisfying feeling of accomplishment to see what had come of those hours of work.

Saturday’s efforts will be followed by another day of work May 13 at the Enchanted Cottage Garden to put in the other layers of plants that will truly create a food forest retreat. Before then, on May 6, installation of a greywater system will take place at The Ripple Effect.



Curious about our Vallejo Demonstration Food Forest Sites?

Learn about the plots, the schedules for the days, the families involved, and dive in to our community installation event!

The future Vallejo Demonstration Food Forests

The Enchanted Cottage Garden

The Enchanted Cottage Garden is a water-sucking, plain lawn that wants to become so much more for its family and its neighborhood! Join us in sheet mulching the lawn (the quickest way to replace a lawn–and provides great nutrients for the garden too!), and learning about the permaculture design we have to install a food forest here, incorporating the needs of a family with children, and their love of canning.


The Ripple Effect

The Ripple Effect is a work in process, already sheet-mulched to remove a lawn, with creative materials re-use, fruit trees, people space and many edibles and pollinators. Join us in adding in the extra laundry-to-landscape element and planting a fruit tree guild to showcase and add the 7-layer permaculture food forest aspect to this space to help it, and its owner, realize its full potential.


Installation Day Schedules

Enchanted Cottage Garden – Day 1

  • 9:00AM Registration with coffee and snacks
  • 9:30AM-10:30AM Presentation of designs and concepts
  • 10:30AM-12:00PM Creating groundwater retention and storage with swales
  • 12:00PM-1:00PM Lunch, provided by the hosts
  • 1:00PM-3:00PM Planting of fruit trees
  • 3:00PM-4:00PM Sheet mulching the lawn

The Ripple Effect – Day 2

  • 9:00AM Registration with coffee and snacks
  • 9:30AM-11:00AM Presentation of designs and greywater concepts
  • 11:00AM-1PM Split into two groups: Group 1 hands on pipe installation at laundry, Group 2  preparation of mulch basins and running lines to target plants in yard.
  • 1:00PM-2:00PM Lunch, provided by the host
  • 2:00PM-4:00PM Switch Group locations to finish inside/outside greywater so that everyone can have experience with the whole process

Enchanted Cottage Garden – Day 3

  • 9:00AM Registration with coffee and snacks
  • 9:30AM-10:30AM Presentation of designs and concepts
  • 10:30AM-12:00PM Planting
  • 12:00PM-1:00PM Lunch, provided by the hosts
  • 1:00PM-4:00PM Drip Irrigation basics: learning about and testing water-efficient drip irrigation to plants

This is a rough schedule, which may change due to weather, location, and volunteer interests/questions!


April 29  Register here. 

May 6    Register here.

May 13  Register here.


About the Food Forest Keepers


Introducing Julie

Julie is the keeper at The Ripple Effect, with hopes that health and happiness will ripple out from her garden. When she bought her house 2.5 years ago, she had three goals: build the soil, plant a diverse plant community for a thriving ecosystem, and get rid of the grass! She’s got a ton of projects going on, such as perhaps converting a shed into a chicken coop, improving the vacant lot next door, a mushroom farm…and re-using water with a greywater system!

She dreams of a green, caring, diverse world. Inclusive, Thriving. A little bit more unplugged. Homemade music. Poetry. Block parties. Clean water. Clean Air. Oil-free lifestyles. Walkable welcoming farmed urban areas. Aesthetic beauty in downtown areas. GREAT affordable public transportation. Lots more ferries on the SF Bay: Vallejo to the East Bay as well as San Francisco. Front porch checker games. Kids playing in the streets and cars slowing down. Perhaps a labyrinth or two in every town…


Introducing Melissa and Steve & Family

Melissa, Steve and  Maya (9) and Jacob (15)–shown in the picture–are the food forest keepers at Enchanted Cottage Garden. They have a small plot in the backyard with chickens, and have been wanting to grow more food for some time. They enjoy cooking and canning so would love a place for more herbs and veggies. They envision taking out the front lawn and putting in food plants and pollinators for insects.

They hope their yard will be a source of inspiration for others as well as a comfortable place for neighbors to gather. They live near a high school and kids often come by their house. They would like their own children to be more connected to nature. Melissa and Steve are lifelong Vallejoans and find it rewarding to give back to the community–through scouting, Participatory Budgeting, lemonade stands for pediatric cancer, and more. They are looking forward to welcoming the community to their come and combining the spirit of giving with their personal hobbies of cooking, canning, and chickens.

Sustainable Solano Creating Wise Water Documentary

Heather Pierini, Landscape Architecture student at UC Davis and Birds, Bees & Beyond Food Forest Keeper, speaks on camera

Over the weekend, Sustainable Solano, with our wonderful Constance Beutel as camera-woman and director, shot scenes for a Water-Wise documentary video. The video was shot at Birds, Bees & Beyond, one of the Demonstration Food Forests, with commentary from Executive Director Elena Karoulina, Sustainable Landscaping Advisory Board Member Kathleen Huffman, and food forest keeper Heather Pierini.

Sometimes pictures tell a story better than a thousand words. This might be the case – the film shows the three components of our Wise Water approach – rainwater collection in the ground, roofwater diversion to the ground and L2L greywater. You’ll be able to see how these systems were put together and an amazing difference this secondary water makes in this garden. We will use the film for training, presentation, and inspiration. Stay tuned for its release!

What can be taught in a garden?

What can be taught in a garden? Suisun Valley Elementary School is already teaching and gardening, sharing a curriculum developed through the Edible Schoolyard Project, whose mission is building and sharing an edible education curriculum for kindergarten through high school.

The garden started small with one raised bed and it continues to expand.  There is a native plant garden, multiple raised beds, fruit trees, roof water collection and fava beans (just to mention of few of their projects).

John Valanzuela surveying the future Demonstration Food Forest at Suisun Valley K-8 School.

John Valenzuela, permaculture expert and rare fruit enthusiast of Cornucopia Gardens came to speak to the Faculty at Suisun Valley Elementary School to expand the education curriculum to include permaculture concepts.  With his unique flare he spoke about ecological concepts and the three limiting factors that guide the design:  Water, Fertility and Sunlight.

The basic design concept of permaculture is to plan gardens with plant diversity that emulates a forest. This creates eco-landscapes consisting of 7 dimensions:  canopy, low tree layer, shrub layer, herbaceous layer, ground cover, root, and vine layer. He credits the late horticulturist Robert Hart as the pioneer of forest gardening although with his great anthropology knowledge and experience in Hawaii and the Caribbean, he sometimes also cites of the garden of indigenous peoples as examples of dimensional gardening.

Yampah (perideridia), image from wikipedia

John also spoke about the importance of choosing plants that have more than one function (creating another layer of
diversity).  For example, Yampah, a native plant that is part of the carrot family, from leaves to root this plant can be eaten.  Not only is it edible, it also attracts many native pollinators and provides anise swallowtail and checkerspot butterfly larvae with a native food source. It thrives in dry soil and John described it as tasting like maple syrup.  What an example of a plant that serves many functions.

Habitat is another function. John emphasized the importance of creating habitat for wildlife by adding owl boxes. (Suisun Valley already has one!)  Then the faculty was asked to share their thoughts. Principal Jas Wright wanted the children to be part of the design, to do the research and choose the plants. This led to a great discussion and curriculum change on Sustainable Solano’s part! Rather than doing our typical food forest installation where a permaculture expert talks with the caretakers then designs and implements a demonstration garden with volunteers and educates with explanations and then hands-on installation workshops, we will be guiding the children to be part of the design as well! What an exciting way to empower students. Suisun Valley K-8 School is truly turning their motto of being “a premier learning academy that empowers each student to thrive in an ever-changing world” into action.

Stay tuned for more updates on the student-led, expert-guided design process, building up to our Suisun Valley Demonstration Food Forest Installations slated for this coming Fall!

Announcing not one, but two, private food forest installations in Vallejo!!

Often times you find the solution within the problem.  We couldn’t find one yard to fit all our educational needs of the demonstration food forest.  So with the creative use of our limited funds we will be installing two!  The Enchanted Cottage Garden is the perfect front yard location.  This yard that is now grass will be sheet mulched and transformed into a food forest.  The unique roof of this cottage style home will serve as a great educational opportunity to show how to retrofit gutters to harvest roof water.

The problem is that it can’t receive grey water.

The Ripple Effect which already has many components of a food forest, fruit trees, perennial vegetables, plants that attract the beneficial insects, rain water harvest, artistic/creative use of onsite materials in both the front and backyard.  Grey water will be able to be used to water an already existing landscape!  This is a great site to show how to add community of plants to support the trees that already exist in our yard!!  We will also be installing one fruit tree guild here adding another opportunity to show roof water catchment.

Installation of The Enchanted Cottage Garden will begin on April 29th this day will be hands on learning about setting the basic foundation:  swales, berms, roof water harvest, creative use of onsite materials.  May 13th will be a day filled with learning about the food forest plants chosen.  We will get to have conversations about plant communities working together to benefit each other.  Water efficient, basic drip irrigation will also be installed that day.  Sheet mulching will be done and the transformation of a lawn into a custom demonstration food forest will be revealed.


May 6th will be spent at The Ripple Effect.  The public will get an opportunity to see what can be done with an already existing landscape. This will be a hands-on laundry to landscape grey water workshop.   The grey water will be used to water a pre-existing landscape.  As a community we will be learning to install one simple fruit tree guild and show diversion of roof water to a swale.  We will also talk about what plants could be added to support the existing landscape.


All three days April 29, May 6, and May 13 will be filled with learning about sustainable landscapes through hands-on experience and include a lunch provided by the homeowners!!!  Come learn how to save water, grow food and build community!! Registration is required.

April 29th Registration

May 6th Registration

May 13th Registration

Upcoming Vallejo Demonstration Food Forest Installations

Each day includes a talk from a Permaculture Designer and hands-on practice building a food forest. The workshops are FREE. Lunch is provided by the homeowners. Learn while helping your community! See a site-specific permaculture design manifest into reality.

April 29th Registration Laying down the foundation: sheet mulching a lawn, digging on contour swales, making berms, diverting the roof water and planting trees.

May 6th Registration Learn and install a Laundry-to-Landscape grey water system.

May 13th Registration Planting, installing a water efficient drip system, and mulching.