Solano Gardens

About Solano Gardens

Solano Gardens collaborates with community members and organizations to create edible gardens based on the principles of permaculture to serve as a source of fresh produce, inspiration and companionship for people in need across diverse communities. Each garden design is unique to the community it serves and cared for by community champions passionate about sustainable food.

What Solano Gardens Offers

The Solano Gardens program has grown beyond its original scope of creating and supporting gardens that provide access to fresh produce in communities that have historically experienced limited access to healthy food. With the expansion of the program, the broader goal is to help Solano communities regain control over the growing, sharing and preparing of food in the following ways:

  • Create and support community gardens
  • Provide resources to community gardens, such as plants, seeds and trees
  • Creating a network of support for residents interested in producing their own food
  • Culinary training classes for youth with fresh, seasonal produce


Explore the Gardens

Solano Gardens supports more than 12 gardens. Learn about these community gardens here!

Active Gardens

Use the map below to learn more about these active gardens in the network and their volunteer needs.

A number of other gardens were developed, but not all of them are active; we are working with these communities to bring gardens back to life so our network can keep growing and nurturing all beings involved.

Know of a site that would support a community garden or a community garden in need of support?
Fill out our Solano Gardens Interest Form here!

We continue to look for residential sites to demonstrate waterwise edible landscapes. Have a site in mind?
Fill out our Sustainable Landscaping Interest Form here!

Find and support your neighborhood community garden!
Learn more about community gardens around the county here!


Considering an in-kind donation (non-cash gift) to Sustainable Solano?

Part of supporting our community of gardens is the sharing of plants, seeds and more among gardeners. Occasionally, individuals, corporations and organizations reach out to us with the offer of donating resources (time, services, plants, materials, etc.) to the community through SuSol.

We would be happy to work with you to coordinate a donation of a physical good (or a service) to help us better serve the Solano community. Please send a photograph and description of your donation(s) to and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Please note, as a smaller organization we do not have a large amount of physical storage space, and may not be able to accommodate larger donations if we cannot immediately store your donation. We also cannot accept yard waste, live animals, perishable food, and dead or diseased plants.


Plant Resources

Vegetable Planting Guide (what to plant and when)

Find other Plant Resources here

Caring for Your Tree

Here are some resources to help with planting and pruning your new tree. Our local nurseries can provide expert advice as well on the care of your specific type of tree.

SuSol’s Plant Resources (click here and scroll down for fruit tree planting and pruning resources)

Winter Fruit Tree Care (watch this video to learn about how to care for your fruit trees in the winter, including planting bare-root fruit trees, from Lemuria Nursery’s Kristina Fink)

Urban Tree Care (watch this video to learn about urban tree care, including maintenance and planning, best techniques for caring for trees trees, and best practices, in this class with Master Gardener Melissa Sandoval)

Planting a Bare-Root Fruit Tree (watch this short video for quick tips on planting your tree)

How to Plant a Fruit Tree (this video gives details on planting bare-root vs. potted trees)

Learn More

Farm Field Trip Highlights Connections to Food and Well-Being for Interns

Farm Field Trip Highlights Connections to Food and Well-Being for Interns

Student interns attending a field trip to Morningsun Herb Farm in March had an opportunity to touch, taste and smell a variety of plants and herbs as part of our Youth Wellness Program. The grounding, multisensory experience of visiting Morningsun provided a unique opportunity to engage with herbs, and invited full-bodied mindfulness, encouraging our students to slow down and be present with their thoughts and each other.

Solano Gardens is funded through support from Solano Public Health